

无论你是经常去公园还是从来没有去过, discover the best things to do in one of San Francisco’s most interesting locations.

在它的1,000多亩, Golden Gate Park contains some of San Francisco's most famous and most visited attractions. 每个人都知道博物馆 加州科学院, 德扬博物馆 或者是花房和宁静的空间,比如 日本茶园 以及贝博体彩app植物园, 但还有很多你可能还不知道的地方值得一看. Read through It's time you went beyond what's well-known and discovered Golden Gate Park's hidden treasures for yourself.


位于公园西端(第47大道). 富尔顿街.),所有水平的弓箭手均可参加. The field has nine hay bales for shared use, and equipment can be rented nearby. 鼓励弓箭手自备靶、弓和箭. If you do not own a bow, arrows, and other athletic gear associated with the sport, the nearby 贝博体彩app射箭店 (巴尔博亚街3795号.)提供全套设备租赁服务.


Why visit a home on the range when you can see real buffalo roaming right here in Golden Gate Park? 看看这些雄伟的生物, 自1890年以来,谁把这个公园称为家, 在空旷的地方, 约翰F. 肯尼迪大街. 到达这个娱乐景点, 往公园的西端走, 这些珍贵的动物是在什么地方被围起来的. 这个美丽的景点也位于北湖附近, 以及湖链东路的拐角处. 有趣的事实:虽然你可能没有机会观察, 野牛的速度可达每小时30英里.


位于公园西侧距离太平洋几步之遥的是 沙滩上的小木屋. 顺便来吃午餐、晚餐或饮料. 周一来吃上等排骨吧, 以上等肉为特色的, 还有很多配菜,再加5美元, 你可以加一份甜点. 别忘了10美元的马提尼酒. The Spanish Colonial architecture and history associated with the building (formerly a changing house for beach frolickers) are worth checking out, 太.


Standing at 75 feet tall, the north windmill was originally constructed in 1902 to pump water. 今天 it’s known for the thousands of colorful tulips surrounding the historic landmark in the northwest corner of the park. The windmill is worth a visit anytime, but tulip time (February and March) is the best. The Dutch Windmill was such a successful attraction when it was first built that a second windmill, 摩菲风车, 以当地一位银行家和慈善家的名字命名, 位于公园的西南角.


居住着鼓圈,笼罩在大麻烟雾的阴霾中, 嬉皮山总是冒险的好地方. 因为20世纪60年代聚集在那里的花童而臭名昭著, the meadow and slope are still a good place to enjoy the city and people-watch on a sunny day.


从1946年到1970年,贝博体彩app49人队(San Francisco 49ers)以凯泽体育场为主场. 今天, Kezar remains a multi-purpose stadium that hosts collegiate football games and other sporting events, 比如当地的曲棍球, 足球, 还有田径队. 还有一条八车道的轨道向公众开放. While the stadium is not as big as it was in its heyday, it still can seat 10,000 people.


位于公园博物馆区的中心, the 音乐广场 was originally built for the festivities of the 1894 Midwinter Fair. Check out free performances of the Golden Gate Park Band on Sundays from April to October, 留意其他主要的头条新闻. 别忘了向路德维希·凡·贝多芬,尤利西斯·S·贝多芬. Grant, and the other statues of historical figures that line the concourse. 活动时间表可在 goldengateparkband.org.


The National AIDS Memorial Grove is dedicated to the millions of lives AIDS has affected. The origins of the memorial began at the height of the AIDS pandemic when a small group of San Franciscans sought to find a sacred space to honor loved ones who were lost to AIDS. 简称为"小树林", it was created as a dedicated space where millions of Americans touched directly or indirectly by AIDS could gather to heal, 希望, 记住.  In 1996, 立法被签署成为法律, elevating “the Grove” as the nation's sole federally-designated National AIDS Memorial. This space is open to the public for picnics and regularly hosts performing arts events and weddings.


公园里有很多公共艺术作品可供观赏, and it's easiest to explore by renting a 自行车 to go on a self-guided tour. Jean-Michel Othoniel's "La Rose des Vents" is a can't-miss sculpture that's installed in front of the Conservatory of Flowers. This kinetic sculpture made from gold and aluminum pays homage to the compass rose.

位于Koret游乐场的是Vicki Saull的沙质生物. 孩子们可以自由地在这些水生动物中嬉戏玩耍.

公园里也散布着许多青铜纪念碑. 了解像约翰·麦克拉伦这样的公众人物的重要角色, 托马斯·斯塔尔·金, 约翰·潘兴将军, 还有很多人在贝博体彩app演出过.

前往金门公园西端的海滩小屋, where you'll find an impressive mural by Depression-Era muralist Lucien Labaudt, 他职业生涯的大部分时间都在贝博体彩app度过. 他还以在科伊特塔创作的壁画而闻名.

Arthur Page Brown's "Portals of the Past" is a relic of the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906, 由汤恩府邸的大理石遗迹组成. 这种公共艺术可以在劳埃德湖的北岸找到. 今天,它被用作婚礼和拍照的流行背景.


20世纪30年代, 五彩缤纷的灯光照亮了这个美丽的瀑布, 因此得名. The falls greet visitors as they enter and exit the park near Crossover Drive. If you’re up for a hike, check out the Prayerbook Cross near the top of the waterfall. Dating back to 1894, the Celtic-style landmark is the tallest in the park. The best time to view the falls is in the early morning or later afternoon before most of the crowds appear.


贝博体彩app最大的两个音乐节, 外面的土地和几乎严格的蓝草, 将成千上万的人带到金门公园, 具体地说, 每年八月和十月都到这两处草地去. You can head to these grassy patches any time of the year for a nice picnic, 甜蜜的户外小憩, 或者玩飞盘游戏. 


老少咸宜的景点, 斯普雷克尔斯湖是散步的好地方, 慢跑, 自行车, 或者在蒙特利柏树下读书. Situated on the northern side of the park, you will find Spreckels湖 close to 36th Avenue. The lake was named after a sugar magnate and former Park Commissioner of San Francisco, Adolph B. Spreckels. Keep your eyes peeled for frogs, turtles, and fish among the model yachts.


蓝鹭湖, 金门公园最大的水域, is a pristine man-made lake in the heart of the park where you can rent a boat from the 蓝鹭湖船屋. 周围的景色和场地都很美. The boathouse café sells food, snacks, and drinks to keep you going throughout your park adventure. 那是一个消磨下午时光的好地方. 


位于蓝鹭湖中央,高430英尺, 这个岛是公园的最高点. 以两边的乡村桥或罗马桥为例, 然后徒步到山顶,欣赏泰山的壮丽景色. Tamalpais和 金门大桥. 别忘了去金门大桥亭打坐, a Chinese temple-like structure that was a gift from the city of Taipei to commemorate early Chinese settlers. 走南桥去那里. 你可能永远都不想离开.

The 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky and the San Francisco Bay in the foreground.


第一个知道即将到来的活动和节日, 新餐馆, 特殊交易, 以及海湾边的城市里发生的一切.