View of the football field at Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara, California, home of the San Francisco 49ers.

The Guide to
Watching the San Francisco 49ers at Levi's Stadium

贝博体彩app最初的运动队设在圣克拉拉最先进的李维斯体育场, California.

San Francisco has a proud history of professional sports, 而贝博体彩app49人队作为该市第一支大联盟运动队,有着特殊的荣誉地位. 如果你的贝博体彩app之行恰逢足球赛季, don’t pass up an opportunity to see the 49ers in action. Every game is exciting, and the state-of-the-art Levi’s Stadium, the home of the 49ers, offers a first-class experience.

Highlights in 49er History

The 2014 move to Levi’s Stadium took the 49ers from San Francisco to Santa Clara, but relocation hasn’t dimmed fans’ passion for their team. This franchise has a long and storied history, 它在一些足球界最伟大的英雄的职业生涯中发挥了关键作用.

The San Francisco 49ers were founded in 1946. Their original home was Kezar Stadium in Golden Gate Park. Affectionately known as the Niners, 球队的名字是向1849年淘金热期间涌入加州的淘金者致敬. In 1970, the 49ers moved to the famed Candlestick Park, where they saw years of record-breaking success. In 1995, the team won its fifth Super Bowl, 成为联盟中第一个获得这么多总冠军的球队.

历史上一些最杰出的橄榄球运动员都曾在49人队效力过, including wide receiver Jerry Rice, quarterback Joe Montana, and safety Ronnie Lott. 

Visiting Levi’s Stadium

观看49人队的比赛让你有机会看到 beyond San Francisco. Levi’s Stadium is about an hour south, in Santa Clara. If you have some time to spare before kickoff, 去加利福尼亚的大美国游乐园看看水滑梯,或者去英特尔博物馆了解一下你最喜欢的电子产品的驱动原理. Of course, 在体育场里有很多可看的和可做的,你可能不得不把这些景点留到另一天.

从体育场停车场开放到开球前,允许在停车场内尾随, as long as you observe common courtesy. Noise levels should be reasonable, alcohol consumption should be responsible, 你应该避免占用额外的停车位或阻碍交通流量.

If you prefer to bring snacks into the stadium with you, pack them in clear plastic and cut any fruit into pieces. Your water bottles must be sealed upon arrival. 李维斯体育场有很多现场购买食品和饮料的选择. 

从比赛中休息一下,在49人博物馆探索球队的历史. 这个展厅位于李维斯体育场内,以49人队早期的文物为特色. 虽然博物馆一般在周五向公众开放, Saturdays, and Sundays, there are extended hours on game days for your convenience.

Finally, if you have a young visitor with you, 不要忘记在中场休息结束前参观尊严健康广场的C门. 您的小粉丝将获得“我的第一场49人队比赛”证书作为纪念.

Getting to the Game

从贝博体彩app搬到圣克拉拉可能会增加一些距离,但不用担心. There are plenty of options for getting to and from the game. These are some of the most popular:

Car Rental

为了获得最大的灵活性,你可能希望租一辆车,从贝博体彩app开车到圣克拉拉. 行程大约需要一个小时,并且有充足的停车场. 场地在开球前三个半小时开放,预先购买的停车费为50美元. 如果你在到达时支付停车费,费用将增加到60美元.

Rideshare Service

流行的拼车服务优步和Lyft都在贝博体彩app很活跃, 许多游客依靠这些服务从他们的酒店到李维斯体育场.

Public Transportation 

湾区有一系列的公共交通选择,可以让你安全实惠地到达李维斯体育场. 你可以从贝博体彩app和东湾乘坐加州火车或首都走廊火车, 以及当地的山谷交通管理局(VTA)的轻轨或公共汽车服务.

Everything Else

季前赛在8月进行,常规赛从9月持续到12月. 季后赛在一月份举行,超级碗在二月初举行. From start to finish, the football season is thrilling. 每个星期,球队都离最后的决战越来越近.

一旦足球赛季结束,有很多理由去参观李维斯体育场. 你可以观看泰勒·斯威夫特和碧昂丝等世界著名艺人的表演, 或者你可以参加其他体育赛事,比如大学橄榄球和足球.

49人队比赛和其他李维斯体育场活动的门票可以通过您最喜欢的票务网站或在线访问李维斯体育场获得. 你也可以直接通过球队的主页购买49人队的门票.