我如何看待贝博体彩app: Audium的David Shaff报道 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
Audium的David Shaff
Audium的David Shaff

Audium的David Shaff报道

学习David Shaff, Audium的电子音乐作曲家, 不仅能看到,还能听到贝博体彩app.

If you want to have a truly genuine San Francisco experience, 那你就得请教专家了:我们友好的当地人. 知识渊博的, 充满激情的, 并且随时准备好要怎么做的建议, 看到, 或吃, 所有类型的贝博体彩app人都是我们正在进行的 “我对贝博体彩app的看法” 系列.

David Shaff is an electronic 音乐 composer, trumpet player and executive director of Audium剧院. Born and raised in a San Francisco household full of strange sounds emanating from the basement (his father and composer 斯坦Shaff being the culprit), David gained an early appreciation of 音乐 and sound of all sorts. 

He has designed and performed many soundscape compositions for Audium, including collaborations with his father and visual artist Ryan Elisabeth Reid. He is currently working with sound engineer Paul Barton and an assortment of Bay Area sound artists to reimagine the design of Audium’s sound system for future generations.

We asked David to talk about some of his favorite things in San Francisco and what he recommends to visitors.


我通常从 里士满区 to 市中心. I like to stop near the Conservatory of Flowers to enjoy the quiet for a few minutes. Then I'm either working on soundscapes or giving performances down at Audium剧院. 

Which neighborhood, other than your own, do you like to explore? 

在一个阳光明媚的周日早晨,我前往 夕阳喝杯咖啡,吃点东西,然后带它去海洋海滩. 也, 在格伦公园附近闲逛, Ocean Avenue and Ingleside brings me back to the old San Francisco vibe.


Audium是我父亲创立的, 斯坦Shaff, 以及他的技术伙伴, Doug麦凯克伦, 早在20世纪60年代末. Stan and Doug were among some of the pioneers of electronic 音乐. 他们想要像舞者移动身体一样移动声音. 所以道格召集了几个演讲者. 4 speakers became 16, which became 32, and it just kept growing. With help from a 系列 of grants by the National Endowment for the 艺术, they built a permanent home for their work: an immersive listening environment with 176 speakers. Since 1967, Audium has offered weekly public performances and workshops. It's probably one of the longest-running shows in San Francisco!


号角. 这个氛围 金门大桥 on a really foggy day is magical, like out of a Hitchcock film. 你不必亲眼看到这座桥,它就会让人着迷. 


The 斯特恩林 Festival in the Summer is a lot of fun and totally free! 我们总是带着野餐和朋友分享. There are some world-class performances to 看到 and be inspired by. 

As an acoustic expert, what are some of your favorite places for live 音乐 in San Francisco?

Bird and Beckett Bookshop in Glen Park has these evening jazz shows. 书店变成了一个成熟的爵士俱乐部, with some of the best and most intimate concerts you can find in San Francisco. 另一件珍宝是《贝博体彩》 任务.   

What's your favorite annual event that happens in San Francisco?

狂欢节. 这么多美妙的声音!

Where and what would you choose for your last meal in San Francisco? 

超级素食卷饼来自 位置,看得我目瞪口呆坎昆.  

Which restaurant is still on your list to dine at in San Francisco?

韩一钧 在里士满. It's right down the street from me but I still haven't been!  


贝克海滩 是世界一流的. 每次我还是会被那里的景色所震撼. 也, 你会觉得自己不在城市里, 就像你穿过了一个传送门,这里只有沙子, 风和海鸥. 

贝博体彩app一直以来都是创新中心. 你如何看待今天的城市?

有趣的是. 在新冠肺炎之前,贝博体彩app被称为科技之都. As we come out of the pandemic, things are massively changing. 我一直在做播客, Audium听, where we talk with Bay Area artists about life during COVID and, 除此之外, 这个话题. There are signs everywhere that the city is still innovating. 我们有漂亮的户外餐厅, 放宽户外音乐和娱乐的规定, 供人们骑自行车和玩耍的缓慢街道, and the city is investing grant money back into our small businesses and cultural venues. 我觉得如果我们继续把聚会场所划分优先级, the city is on the right track for success—and being an even more exciting place to be.

What should every visitor to San Francisco do at least once?

俱乐部豪华 in 的海特, a late night jazz spot that features exclusively local bands. 气氛很好,还有城里最好的音乐家. 

What’s one part of San Francisco that you wish visitors knew about?

The outdoor roller disco party that's happening most every day (but especially on Sundays) in 金门公园 在第六大道附近的肯尼迪大道. 这么多老派的角色. It's a really good scene that can hypnotize you—because they keep going round and round!

Tell us about a time you felt most at home in San Francisco.

对我来说,没有什么特别的记忆. It's just the feeling I have at the end of a long day after being out and about around the city. Usually such days involve meeting up with friends and walking or biking to multiple parts of the city. It's that feeling that this is a big international city and yet it's still small enough to 看到 people you know everywhere.


四处走走,问别人问题. Don't be afraid, and don't just use your phone for everything. We make real memories of places through that kind of connection. There are people here with all kinds of stories just waiting for someone to listen.