Grateful Dead House

Take A Groovy Grateful Dead Trip Through San Francisco


Haight and Ashbury

所有嬉皮士的旅游行程都应该包括去爱之夏的中心. Nearly the perfect center of the city, 海特街和阿什伯里街的交汇处曾经是镇上物价最便宜的地方之一. 在20世纪50年代美国令人窒息的限制中,贝博体彩app赢得了接受的声誉, free souls flocked to the Haight neighborhood, 哪个地方被媒体宣传为心怀不满的年轻人的避风港. In May of 1967 — just before the Summer of Love — Hunter S. 汤普森在《贝博体彩app》杂志上创造了这个社区的绰号“哈什伯里”, 但这个合成词并没有像居民那样长久存在.

Haight-Ashbury 这里成为了艺术家和随波逐流的追随者的圣地. 遇到感恩而死乐队(Grateful Dead)和詹尼斯·乔普林(Janis Joplin)这样的音乐家,以及杰斐逊飞机乐队(Jefferson Airplane)和Quicksilver Messenger Service等迷幻摇滚乐队的成员并不罕见, many of whom lived within a few blocks of one another. "Wandering around Haight, 你最终会遇到每一个你想要找到的人,就像歌里唱的那样,陌生人会阻止陌生人, just to shake their hand," says Grateful Dead drummer Bill Kreutzmann.

的 Grateful Dead House

像“感恩而死”这样的音乐家是“爱之夏”的核心. 的 group's original members—Jerry Garcia, Phil Lesh, Bob Weir, Bill Kreutzmann, 和“猪圈”罗恩·麦克南住在位于阿什伯里街710号的紫色维多利亚式房子里. from 1966 until 1968. Originally a boarding house, 就在乐队需要离开金门以北的住所时,房间神秘地打开了, and they ultimately took over the entire building. Mere blocks from the Haight-Ashbury junction, the house was the site for many shenanigans, including an infamous 1967 drug bust. 死亡之家因此获得了标志性的地位,以及他们在门前门廊上拍摄的照片, which were circulated widely. Although it is home to someone else now, 游客们仍然可以在“感恩而死”故居的大门外摆姿势拍照,并在外面的人行道上欣赏“死头”的艺术品.

McLaren Park

McLaren Park is about 20 minutes south of Haight-Ashbury, 但这趟车是值得的,因为他和杰里·加西亚关系密切. 那是因为它紧挨着他长大的精益求精区. In the middle of this park is the Jerry Garcia Amphitheatre, which is a Greek-style outdoor concert venue. 这里也是每年8月举行的杰里日(Jerry Day)的举办地. Jerry Day的特色表演是由致敬乐队演奏,他们的音乐会让Jerry感到骄傲.

的 Presidio

普雷西迪奥曾经是一个军事哨所,现在是金门国家娱乐区的重要组成部分. 这里应有尽有,从远足径、历史建筑到社交俱乐部,甚至 的 Walt Disney Family Museum. 但对感恩而死的歌迷来说,最重要的是杰里·加西亚在美国时在这里待了9个月.S. Army in 1960. This information might surprise you, 但他几次擅离职守,结果被送上了军事法庭.

的 400 Club in Rincon Hill

继续你的旅程,去一个曾经影响过感恩而死乐队的地方. 在考察亡灵对放荡和航海生活歌曲的喜爱时,林孔山400俱乐部的影响是显而易见的. ("Wharf Rat," anyone?). Located at 400 First Street, 400俱乐部是杰里·加西亚的父母之前开的一家酒吧, Garcia's, shut down. 400俱乐部离码头很近,这意味着它是一个混乱的地方, frequented by sailors. 杰瑞从小就和醉醺醺的水手们混在一起,而他的父母则负责酒吧——这可不是一般的成长环境, but then again, no one ever called the Grateful Dead's bandleader average.

City Lights Bookstore

城市之光与感恩而死乐队的联系可以追溯到乐队还没有在一起的时候. In the 1950s, the Beatniks claimed North Beach as their stomping grounds, often congregating near City Lights Bookstore, 它出版了像艾伦·金斯堡的长篇诗《贝博体彩》这样臭名昭著的文学作品.“感恩而死”乐队的贝斯手菲尔·莱什提到,60年代初,他十几岁的时候经常光顾“城市之光”, just before the hippie movement exploded in San Francisco.

Nowadays, 你可以在城市之光找到关于感恩而死乐队和爱的夏天(以及许多其他反文化和主流书籍)的文学作品. 拿起一本大书,钻进书店里,回忆50多年前的那个“爱的夏天”.

Author Brenda Tucker
Brenda Tucker

布伦达·塔克是贝博体彩app旅游艺术营销总监. She has lived in San Francisco since 1998, after driving cross-country to a home she secured sight unseen. Brenda enjoys swimming out-of-doors year-round, being inspired by the incredible art scene in the City, and living in the best place on earth.