Where to 吃 and 喝 in North Beach | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
North Beach

Where to 吃 and 喝 in North Beach

With plenty of cafés, 酒吧, 公园, and restaurants to capture your attention, here are some of North Beach's can't-miss spots.

North Beach 是贝博体彩app最珍贵和最丰富多彩的社区之一.  对于许多, the neighborhood acted as a first stop in San Francisco, 无论是1849年在这里寻找黄金,还是在世纪之交作为意大利移民定居下来.  它丰富的历史和文化使这个社区在各种价位和胃口上都有贝博体彩app最好的烹饪体验.  


Original Joe's

601 Union St.

Part of the fabric of San Francisco for more than 75 years, Original Joe's serves classic 意大利-American fare, the restaurant prepares dishes in an open kitchen for all to see, providing hearty portions at reasonable prices. The crowd is eclectic, the cocktails are traditional and the meatballs, chicken parmesan and ravioli are must-haves on any occasion. 

Tony's Pizza Napoletana

1570 Stockton St.

Tony Gemignani因擅长制作各种类型和风格的披萨而闻名于世, with a variety any pizza lover would enjoy. 托尼的那不勒斯披萨非常受欢迎,不接受预订,所以把你的名字写下来,在等待的时候花点时间在华盛顿广场公园看人们. 

North Beach Restaurant

1512 Stockton St.

Since 1970, 北海滩餐厅一直为家庭提供正宗的托斯卡纳美食, 浪漫主义者, tourists and many more, making everyone they serve a regular. 将它与美国顶级酒单之一搭配在一起,你就有了天作之合.

Firenze By Night

1429 Stockton St.

家族拥有和经营自1987年以来,晚上佛罗伦萨是北海滩餐饮场景的主食. Known for their award-winning Gnocchi, Firenze's menu features a wide variety of pastas, 肉, seafood and more. 在贝博体彩app很难找到比《贝博体彩》更好的体验了.

Sotto Mare 

552 Green St.

索托海餐厅提供了一个正宗的意大利北海滩的经验,新鲜的鱼和贝类来源的每日.  在柜台前找个位置,看着厨师们施展他们的魔法,制作一些人认为是伦敦最好的cioppino.


Molinari Delicatessen

373 Columbus Ave.

This is one of the city’s most authentic 意大利 delis. 人们一整天都在排队买三明治,包括著名的伦佐特餐(试着把它放在佛卡夏面包上)。. 在你下订单之前,从垃圾桶里拿起你的面包,带上你的三明治去华盛顿广场公园野餐.

Liguria Bakery

1700 Stockton St.

自1911年以来,利古里亚一直在制作这座城市最受欢迎的佛卡夏面包. 你一定会想来这里吃一块的(番茄佛卡夏披萨是最受欢迎的)。. 他们会在包起来之前帮你切好,不过你点的时候一定要问一声. 这里生意很好,很早就卖光了(有时早上10点就卖光了).m. on the weekend), so don’t come after 11 a.m. expecting to find any. Cash only. 

意大利 Homemade 

716 Columbus Ave.

这家非常休闲的餐厅做的自制意大利面非常棒,从肉酱面中的意大利饺子到千层面都有. 他们也是贝博体彩app仅有的几家提供海鲜的餐厅之一, 这是一种来自艾米利亚-罗马涅的三明治,用温热的面饼做成(试试经典版的斯特拉奇诺奶酪), prosciutto and arugula).

Victoria Pastry

700 Filbert St.

Established in 1911 by 意大利 immigrants, 维多利亚糕点仍然在贝博体彩app提供一些最美味的意大利糕点和蛋糕.  无论你点什么,别忘了在单子上加上几道他们著名的煎饼卷.

Golden Boy

542 Green St.

在北海滩喝了一整夜酒之后,这里就是你的去处——他们的西西里式披萨是治愈之道. Open late, and draws a 提示y but grateful crowd.


Gino and Carlo

548 Green St.

这是一家典型的贝博体彩app老派酒吧,在你第一次光顾后,调酒师会记住你点的酒和你的名字.  Family owned and operated since 1942, 吉诺和卡罗是一个观看比赛和享受美好时光的好地方,但请记住, it's cash only. 

Northstar Cafe

1560 Powell St.

当地人叫它北极星,是北滩最好的酒吧之一.  调酒师很棒,这里是贝博体彩app人和那些已经离开(或即将离开)这里的人的完美大熔炉.  完美的地方玩一个游戏的游泳池,同时享受一个强烈的鸡尾酒或冰啤酒.  

Comstock Saloon

155 Columbus Ave.

For an authentic San Francisco saloon experience (here since 1907), come by for a cocktail, but stay for the vittles, 包括各种美味的酒吧小吃(脆皮鸡肝和苏格兰鸡蛋很棒), plus larger dishes too (pot pie, 一个汉堡, roast chicken), served until midnight nightly (except Sunday, when the kitchen closes at 10 p.m.).

Mr. 必应的

201 Columbus Ave.

A favorite of the late Anthony Bourdain, Mr. 必应的 is a place for characters. Unpretentious from the outside, 你会在这里找到伦敦金融城最有趣、知识最渊博的调酒师. 不要来这里被人看见,只是享受这里的气氛,玩得开心. 

Tony Nik's

1534 Stockton St.

You might walk by Tony Nik's and notice the old sign hanging above, which is original to it opening in 1933.  What looks like a classic dive bar on the outside, 打开一个美丽的烛光酒吧和休息室提供惊人的鸡尾酒和更好的服务. 

Performers on stage at Club Fugazi in "Dear San Francisco"

See "Dear San Francisco" at Club Fugazi

Looking for a great performance in North Beach? Visit the legendary Club Fugazi and see the high-flying, death-defying acrobatics of "Dear San Francisco".

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Marcia Gagliardi
Marcia Gagliardi

Marcia is the creator of tablehopper.com, a popular insider weekly e-column about the SF dining scene; subscribe for more news, 提示, and updates. Follow her on Twitter: @tablehopper.
