


Why is it that San Francisco has earned a worldwide reputation as one of the gayest cities on Earth? (我们对此感到非常自豪!)

Explore these moments in history—some of which are still very much alive today—on your next visit to get a deeper understanding of and appreciation for San Francisco's remarkable 同性恋群体+ community.


Take a walk through history in the 卡斯特罗, one of America's original 同性恋群体 neighborhoods. All the shops, restaurants, bars and clubs in this district will welcome you with open arms.

花点时间去探索 lgbt历史博物馆 并了解过去的挣扎, 然后在the Mix等人气酒吧狂欢到深夜, 午夜的太阳, 蟾宫, 和更多的.


卡斯特罗街集市每年10月举行. 这个庆祝活动可以追溯到1974年, 当它的创始人, 哈维·米尔克, 汇集了艺术家, 这个社区集市上的小贩和表演者. 在今天的集市上, 你可以直接从同性恋群体创作者那里购买产品, 展示你的舞蹈技巧, 欣赏不同舞台的音乐.


忘掉好莱坞星光大道吧. 参观 彩虹荣誉步道, a tribute commemorating well-known 同性恋群体 figures who left their mark on the community—and the world. 从卡斯特罗街和市场街的十字路口开始. 当你穿过街区时, you will discover that many people who were legends in their fields also carried out activist work to help the 同性恋群体 community. 获奖者包括宇航员莎莉·莱德, 音乐家西尔维斯特, 职业运动员格伦·伯克, 以及退伍军人、跨性别开拓者克里斯汀·乔根森.

而卡斯特罗区是同性恋群体社区的中心, 你可以在我们49平方英里的地方体验整个社区.


It's true that the American armed forces haven't always been the most accepting of 同性恋群体 servicemen and women (and there's still plenty more to be done about that); but to deny that San Francisco's military history and its 同性恋群体 history were not interconnected would be ignoring a big (and interesting) part of the story.


贝博体彩app在第二次世界大战期间成为军事堡垒, 比如芬斯顿堡和梅森堡, 以及今天的道帕奇附近的造船厂. 对我来说,这座城市是自由的象征,650,000名军人, since it was the last part of their country they saw before being deployed to combat in a foreign land—and the first place they saw when they returned. Thousands of young enlisted men came to the city in search of love; sometimes among themselves and other times, 当地人都很欣赏他们.


今天, most of those military bases have been converted into attractions that house everything from museums to restaurants to theaters. 贝博体彩app一年一度的 舰队周 is an event in which military servicemen and women come to the city for a celebration of their valor. 穿制服的性感男人在这个城市随处可见, 从码头到卡斯特罗, 享受一种“不要问”的自由氛围, “不要说”是过去的事了.

舰队周 began in 1981 to honor the US Armed Forces and to educate civilians and military personnel about best practices in humanitarian assistance.


在石墙, 还有贝博体彩app的康普顿自助餐厅暴乱, where members of the city's 同性恋群体 community stood up to unchecked harassment from local law enforcement. 从那天起, 贝博体彩app骄傲节 三月成为了一年一度的社区、韧性和乐观主义的展示.


Thirty brave people risked everything by marching down Polk Street to City Hall at a time when any association with homosexuality invited discrimination or even worse consequences. The next day, another gay movement was organized in Golden Gate Park with hundreds more people. 这些事件标志着骄傲的诞生. 

今天, Polk Street is still home to a variety of 同性恋群体-friendly restaurants, bars, and nightclubs. 白天也有很多酷儿文化可以体验. 参观独特的商店,充满了古董,和适合所有口味的餐馆.


More than 1 million people from all corners of the world will come to San Francisco to celebrate 骄傲 each year. It is the largest gathering of 同性恋群体 people in the nation and takes place over 10 days packed with activities. Pink Saturday is the day before the main celebration and is one of the largest public parties of the year. 其他年度活动包括堤防游行和跨大西洋游行. 贝博体彩app to San Francisco for the last weekend in June and join the largest 骄傲 event in the U.S!



Policy wonks can debate San Francisco's present day progressive bona fides all they want; but the fact remains that when it comes to 同性恋群体+ rights, 几十年来,我们的城市一直在为全国其他地区指明道路.


In 1974, 哈维·米尔克当选为贝博体彩app监事会成员, 成为加州历史上第一位公开同性恋身份的民选官员. 11月27日, 1978年,他被枪杀, 还有亲爱的市长乔治·莫斯科尼, 丹·怀特, 另一位城市监督员.

自从他服役以来, San Franciscans have been represented in City Hall and the state legislature by out and proud 同性恋群体+ officials, 包括像马克·雷诺这样的人, 大卫·坎波斯, 斯科特·韦纳. 

该市最重要的两个政治组织专注于同性恋群体+问题, 并以当地酷儿偶像的名字命名:哈维·米尔克本人和爱丽丝·B. 部. 这些团体具有巨大的影响力, meaning that the 同性恋群体+ community always has a seat at the table when major decisions are being made in San Francisco.


贝博体彩app早在2004年就开始向同性伴侣发放结婚证. 随之而来的是数年的法律斗争,激励了其他城市和州也加入进来. It wasn't until 2015 that the United States Supreme Court would rule that to deny same-sex couples the benefits of marriage under the law would be unconstitutional. This watershed moment in 同性恋群体+ history began right here inside San Francisco's City Hall.


如今变装表演似乎司空见惯, 但它们在主流社会的流行是一个相对较新的现象. 在贝博体彩app, 变装社区的历史跨越了近一个世纪, 其中大部分被认为是颠覆性的, 有伤风化的, 甚至是危险的!


Finocchio是一家位于贝博体彩app巴巴里海岸的夜总会和酒吧, 一个以慷慨和放荡著称的社区. In 1933, 随着禁酒令的废除, the club began offering shows featuring female impersonators—what would later become known as drag queens. 这些节目很快吸引了很多人的注意.


2015年元旦,传奇的当地变装皇后Heklina为Oasis打开了大门. 它很快成为贝博体彩app最热门的同性恋群体俱乐部之一,现在仍然如此! 它经常以惊人的变装表演为特色, as well as hosting specific community nights that allow people to dance the night away with their chosen tribes.


在一个美好的春日里,谁还会去纠结宗教教条呢? 在贝博体彩app, you can attend the Hunky Jesus Contest and discover how sinful and attractive a savior can be! 在这个由永久放纵姐妹会主办的年度活动上, 你可以大饱眼福,看到长发辣妹争夺(荆棘)王冠. It might not be the drag you know; but it's kitschy, 不自然的, 对权威和传统嗤之以鼻. 对我们来说,那就是变装,亲爱的!



你知道贝博体彩app有自己的皮革区吗? 这是正确的! 贝博体彩app的扭结社区和文化是如此多样, 如此普遍, and so embraced that they host major annual events that attract visitors from around the world.


贝博体彩app皮革亚文化的第一家酒吧是水手男孩酒馆(水手男孩酒馆), 它于1938年开业,主要面向寻求行动的海军士兵. 20世纪60年代,SoMa的皮革社区发展壮大,出现了the Toolbox这样的酒吧. 今天,在福尔瑟姆街和第12街的拐角处,这个场景由鹰酒吧锚定.


这个一年一度的活动是同类活动中规模最大的. 关注BDSM社区 福尔松街市 takes place in September and features 200 vendors, tons of live performances, and demo stations. 如果福尔松只是为了满足你的胃口和扩大你的界限, 那么你也可以考虑一下7月份的Up Your Alley活动. 对于那些认为福尔瑟姆街头集市太拥挤甚至太平淡的人, 这个活动是为你准备的.

典型的福尔瑟姆街头集市参加者 图片来源:Hoodline


San Francisco is incredibly photogenic, and has been the setting of some genuine cinema classics. 但你知道吗,这座城市对酷儿电影人来说是一个特别的地方?


它的装饰艺术设计, 阳台, 还有著名的管风琴, 卡斯特罗剧院是一个过去时代的画宫. Hosting everything from live comedy shows to film premieres to joyful sing-along screenings, 几十年来,卡斯特罗剧院一直是社区的支柱.


框架线电影节是世界上最大的酷儿电影节. For almost two weeks, films by the best screenwriters, directors and actors are presented. 以跨性别和酷儿为主题的表演在鲜肉节上展出.

